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First Scroll Assignment & Annual Pennsic Prep
Back at the end of April I was asked if I thought I’d be up for taking my first scroll assignment. I was more than a little nervous since these tend to me more geared toward the recipient and it’s held up in court for everyone to see. It did not help that my previous … Continue reading
A Study of Whipcords
In my last post and the one before, some time ago, I talked about how I made the Whipcord Bobbins. Since then I’ve made up a number of braid lengths and have learned a few things. Thickness I typically make up my braids with the size 10 cotton crochet supply that you find at your average … Continue reading
Bobbins, Needles, and Yarn
Whipcord Bobbins They’re amazing! I made my own this past June (see this post on how-to) with some basic supplies ordered from or purchased at your local craft store. So far I’ve only done things in size 10 crochet cotton but it’s been a really good learning material. So far I’ve made a ton of medallion … Continue reading
Whipcord Bobbins
Once upon a Pennsic I was walking down by the merchants and going back to camp using the walk by main gate. There were the usual children laying on the grass, plying their art, and enjoying the shade. Then there was woman standing with string on old-school laundry pins hanging from a tree and it was … Continue reading
Weaving With Wool
While I haven’t finished my post on fitting my daughter’s Eura dress I thought I should get this post out while it’s still fresh in my mind! I also have an update coming along about the upgrade to my donut hat as well which I had discussed before but was missing a curved needle to … Continue reading
Donut Hat Improvement – pt. 1
A shot time prior to the Fall Coronation here in the East Kingdom, I made a houppelande to wear for the occasion. It’s not my best work but I think it’s a good piece of work for a first attempt. The belt, collar, and lining and hat were all made from remnants and small pieces. … Continue reading
Eura Underdress – The Family Look Pt. 4
I’ve finally gotten around to putting my daughter’s dress together. I apologize in advance for slightly blurry pictures. I took them with my phone and for whatever the reason I couldn’t get a clear shot when I was putting the thing together. All of these are thumbnails. You can click on them to see them … Continue reading
Fabric Care and Preparation
This post stem from a post that I recently saw com up on one of the Facebook groups that I follow. The question was whether or not fabric should be washed before being cut. I tend to be very picky about my fabric care and preparation. The idea of not washing it and then I had … Continue reading
Eura Underdress – The Family Look pt. 3
So it’s been a while since I began this run of posts but I’m finally getting around to posting my daughter’s dress and it’s progress. The fist part and sometimes the hardest part (for me) is picking out material. In this particular case I was looking for an underdress piece that was roughly 34 inches … Continue reading