Author Archives:
Playing the Game Alone
We are in unprecedented times, that much is obvious. For many of us who play our game, social interaction is a must. Now, with social distancing and mandatory quarantine laws we are moving to the internet to maintain our game. Online A&S challenges, wear garb to work, online meetings, and bardic gatherings are just a … Continue reading
Food Dyes and Cookie Sculpting
It’s Yule time again and for the local Barony’s Yule I was asked if I would take on making the subtlety for the head table. I wasn’t otherwise involved inthe event and said yes. (Helium hand sticks again.) The head chef had a rough idea involving a cookie chess board as a nod to the … Continue reading
Travel in the Time of Perronnelle – Pt. 2
In a previous post I addressed the question posed by Baron and Master Ulric von Der Insel a couple of weeks ago. His question: “Where did your — persona — always want to go? To see what?” This got my brain weasels going and the post was so long that I was forced to stop … Continue reading
Travel in the Time of Perronnelle
Down the Rabbit Hole I enjoy fleshing out my persona within the SCA. It is an ongoing process that I add to and edit as time goes on. One aspect is where my persona is from and where I may have traveled. His Excellency Ulric von Der Insel has posed the question: Where did your … Continue reading
Newest Scroll & Issues with Perg
One of the many hobbies I do within the SCA is illumination. I love painting a scroll. I get to pain pretty things and be creative. Like most artists, I’m never truly happy with my finished product and I grumble a great deal through the process. This particular piece was more difficult than average and … Continue reading
Themes, Topics, and Trouble
Lately I haven’t been posting much here and I’m trying to change that. I’ve taken on a few projects and, while fun, I’m terrible at taking pictures of progress. So! In an effort to be more regular in my posting I’m going to try to corral some other SCAdian bloggers into doing something “old-school” with … Continue reading
Organization & Storage Solutions – Fabric Edition
Hello, world! I’ve taken to doing videos lately on the great book of faces and I thought to add them here. This one happens to be on fabric storage and my organization solutions. This is one of many so stay tuned! What follows is the video and the transcription (with related links) for those that … Continue reading
A New Motivation
So I’ve been fairly quiet on here for a long time. Partially due to real life: figuring out if we were moving or not, a new job, and all kinds of things like that. It was also partially because of feeling like I had hit a bit of a rut in my modern medieval life. … Continue reading
Eura Dress Update
So once upon a time, about 2 years ago now, I made a version of the Eura dress. (You can read about that here.) This is an update on that dress and how it’s worn over time. There are a few pros and a few cons and I’m actually curious as to how many other … Continue reading
Bergental Baronial Championship – A&S Edition
Maybe I Will… This past weekend was the Barony of Bergental‘s Baronial Championship, an event which I generally look forward to because it’s a lot like “Old Home” week. It’s mostly a laid back event and I get to see several of my friends and have a really nice day. This year I helped put … Continue reading