Author Archives:
Service and New Developments
Within the SCA, the role of a peer of the realm has certain expectations and responsibilities. Chiefly, as advisors to the crown when considering new candidates for the order. However, having lived in several different kingdoms, most peers also see the taking of students as part of this. It is not mandatory and I know … Continue reading
Letters and So Much News
The past few months have been busy, apart from my shoe project. Some of it was planned and some has not been. It’s all good news and good things so I’m going to try and break things down here. Letter of Intent It was several months ago when one of my besties, Baroness Marian, approached … Continue reading
A Tale of Two Shoes – Part 1
The weekend preceding the most recent Birka had me searching for my nearly new shoes, purchased at Pennsic from Boots by Bohemond and worn exactly once. Naturally, I couldn’t find them as the brownies have decided that they were appropriate items to take and sit on for a while. Not finding them, I decided that three … Continue reading
Letter of Intent
Unto the Populace of the Barony of Bergental do we Baroness Marian Kirkpatrick and Dame Perronnelle de Croy send our warmest greetings. Let it be known that we present ourselves as candidates for the baronage of Bergental. We love the barony and its diverse people. We seek to help it grow and prosper long into … Continue reading
Mamluk Scroll or Going Out of the Comfort Zone
A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by the Signet of the East with a potential scroll assignment. Pandemic had me scale back a lot of my scribing and participation because of home life etcetera, so I was eager to get back into it. The added benefit was that this particular award was for … Continue reading
Camp Finances & Modern Tools
Something that I have picked up on in the past few years is that no one really talks about camp finances and organization. I don’t mean the chores and infrastructure but rather the back end of things, the things that happen before and after Pennsic or other large wars occur. A couple of years ago … Continue reading
Goodie Boxes for Scadians
Not long after COVID closure happened all over the country, we began to realize the impact it was going to have. On ourselves, our friends, and our chosen family. Among those were the merchants that fill our streets at war and events near and far. Without events to go to they had to rely solely … Continue reading
My Heraldic Dress – Part 1
Apparently, now that the studio space is clean, I seem to have found my motivation. Unfortunately for me, this is when I tend to get the big, shiny, ambitious ideas…like this one. I’ve wanted to make my very own heraldic dress for a while but I’ve never actually sat down to sketch it out or … Continue reading
Isabel’s Sable Bear
**Now that this has been finally given I can post this article! I only started writing this article 6 months ago! Stupid COVID…* This particular scroll was one that I assigned myself. We didn’t have anything in the inventory of blanks on hand that I thought would fit for Isabelle and her Sable Bear. I … Continue reading
Art is Good for Me
As we ended week 7 of quarantine I was really feeling down. I had to take a long hard look at what I could do to get myself out of the funk. My solution is that I needed art. Art is good for getting me to relax. For the last several weeks of school, like … Continue reading