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Service and New Developments

Posted by on February 1, 2025

Within the SCA, the role of a peer of the realm has certain expectations and responsibilities. Chiefly, as advisors to the crown when considering new candidates for the order. However, having lived in several different kingdoms, most peers also see the taking of students as part of this. It is not mandatory and I know some peers who have never taken formal students which is fine too. Two years ago, Sultan Mohammed and his consort Corotica, elevated me to the Order of the Pelican, an order of service. Being a teacher, I knew that one day I would like to take on a student, also known as a protégé for my order specifically. Still, I hadn’t the faintest idea where to begin. I thought I would figure it out when the right person and the opportunity presented itself.

Today, I am proud to say that I took my first protégé, Gonzallo Corneile, as he is known within the society. He is a fabulous individual, amazingly talented in diverse arts, and a service nut. So he fits right into the family tree, so to speak. There will be photos later, provided I have his permission to post them. In my announcement to the populace at Candlemas Schola, held in the Barony of Bergental, I asked that should any find fault with his service to please come talk to me and if any would praise his efforts, to tell him first, then come and tell me! I am looking forward to this new path and the adventures ahead.

Service Through Art

Luminary Swag

Today also marked another first. Today, the baron and baroness recognized my art. To mark this, I have become the new Luminary, the baronial Arts & Sciences Champion for the Barony of Bergental. I brought what I affectionately call my “Spite Shoes” which I made in 3 days prior to Birka, a large event here in the East Kingdom. I finally got my documentation together to some degree) and I brought to see how it would do. It turns out I did pretty well! I’m looking forward to this new role. I hope I will be able to coordinate some kind of regular get-together for the arts in the barony soon. What that will look like, I’m not sure yet. However, I hope that this accountability tactic will be beneficial to the populace of the barony. To mark this honor, they gave me a painted LED candle, a bee hanging, and a new baronial sash to wear as the champion for the next year. I am honored and will wear the sash with pride. So if you see me, come and introduce yourself and tell me about your art!

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