We are in unprecedented times, that much is obvious. For many of us who play our game, social interaction is a must. Now, with social distancing and mandatory quarantine laws we are moving to the internet to maintain our game. Online A&S challenges, wear garb to work, online meetings, and bardic gatherings are just a few things going on. There’s been quite a bit of discussion and arguments over the use of technology to hold virtual courts and coronations, meetings and A&S displays, with many people speaking out against the decisions to do so. My two cents are what follows. I apologize in advance if I ramble a bit.
Moving Forward
While my own Kingdom, the East, has chosen to simply postpone our Spring coronation for the moment, I can understand other kingdoms’ choices to hold virtual coronations.
But we’re a medieval society, why can’t we just wait?
So while we are at heart a society that celebrates the Middle Ages, we also have royals and their staffs that live in the modern world. I believe that that the crowns and their heirs will make the dicision that best suits them and their kingdoms. They will have a lot of guidance and support and I wish them all the patience and wisdom in the world. While they are in office serving their kingdom, they are also parents, partners, and employees that are going through the same thing we all are. Talk about stress! It’s important that we try to see things from their perspective as well. A reign is not easy work.
There are no events right now, how is that fair to the heirs?
Real talk? It’s not! Most of the previous crown heads that I have had opportunity to talk to have said that giving out awards and recognizing their populace is the greatest job perk. It’s not their only job though and unless the East moves to virtual courts to give out awards, the heirs will have the work without much of the fun if they decide to step up now. Curia will still need to happen. The difficult task of helping the kingdom and its populace make it though this and helping put in place plans for how things will continue is going to be a tough and stressful job.
The New Normal
At some point we hope that everything will return to normal, both in our everyday lives and in our medieval ones. It’s going to take a lot of work for our society to return to our idea of normal. Championships and crown tournaments will be rescheduled, some of the “usual” events may be taken off the calendar in order to allow for other things that need to happen to get our Kingdoms back on track.
The truth is we don’t know what our new normal will look like yet. For anyone like myself that tends to plan weeks in advance, this is difficult to say the least. In the meantime, we sit at home, away from our friends, with our garb and gear gathering dust.
Temporary Game Change
I know a number of us often joke about the SCA being the hobby that is all the hobbies combined. There is very little that it doesn’t encompass which is really impressive. For myself, the SCA is my only real hobby but I do a lot within it. Illumination, weaving, sewing, spinning, cooking, fencing, and archery are just a few things I do. Most of us enjoy various aspects of our society but there is one thing that I think we all agree on. Our friends.

The move to social media for sharing of art, giving classes, and meetings serves more than one purpose. It not only helps our kingdom and society maintain itself during this difficult time, but we get to see our friends. For many, our chosen family. A zoom call is taking the place of an event talking with friends because, for many of us, it’s what we need right now.
A Need for Escape
We are in a high stress situation. Many people are being laid off, furloughed, and being given reduced hours. Those that aren’t are working at home or are part of the essential group of people needed to make the rest of the world operate. It’s insane. In a time when what we need most is an outlet and comfort, it’s natural that we would want to be with family and friends. That we can’t, is only more stressful.
The move to virtual gatherings is a natural result using the technology we have. We cannot play our game alone with any real degree of success. Many of us are searching for normalcy and keeping in touch with our friends and sharing in our hobby is one way for us to do that. I think this is especially important for those of our friends that live alone.
Mental Health Check
While some of us are blessed to be riding this out with our significant others, housemates, and/or children (dubious blessing), a number of our friends are living alone. I can’t imagine what extroverts who live alone are going though. Not surprising is that there has been a rise in depression cases because all the social distancing, quarantine, and lack of interaction for many is affecting everyone’s mental health.
I’m not a doctor but I found this article from Science News on how social distancing is affecting people interesting. The American Psychological Association also put out an article and tips on how to deal with the situation. The APA lists “Staying virtually connected with others” as a tip to mental well-being. Huh, who knew?
Maintain the Game
I guess what I’ve been trying to say in the past several paragraphs is that we all need to do what’s best for ourselves and for the version of the game we want to play. I believe that it’s important to support our kingdoms as they try to navigate though this unprecedented time as best as they are able. The goal is to see our society thrive after this. Virtual meetings and coronations will never replace the in person versions forever. It’s all temporary measures to sustain us and the society though a difficult time.
So you take that online class on embroidery being taught from Northshield or complete a few items off of that unfinished project pile….or don’t! You do you and we’ll see each other in person, face to face, around a campfire soon.